
Birthday Party Linky!!

Calling all teacher bloggers and anyone else who would like to participate!!!

I am a little bit in denial about this, but whether I like it or not, I will be turning 30 next Friday. Although I would much rather skip this birthday and pretend I'm in my 20's forever, I also wanted to do something big to celebrate this milestone birthday.

A couple months ago I read this article at Mix Mingle Glow and was immideiatly inspired to do something similar. For her 38th birthday she performed 38 random acts of kindness - everything from delivering balloons to hospital patients to giving gift cards to random people. After I read this article, I knew this was a project I wanted to participate in. 

I was hoping that you all would want to join me in a birthday party linky by performing a random act of kindness at your school. I know you might be thinking, "I'm a teacher - I perform random acts of kindness EVERY day!" Yes, yes, I know this is true, but I was thinking we could all try to go above and beyond a do something nice for our co-workers or students and do something we wouldn't normally do. 

Here's what you need to know:

If this is something you would like to do, please blog about it or post on our Facebook page. We would love to hear all about the kindness you have spread to others. 

Make sure to link up with us and we'll highlight some of your ideas on our blog!!
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