What I've been doing

I've been doing a lot of this {grading}:
I put this on here because that is some goooood handwriting that I'd like to promote. And shout off of the roof tops. And do a happy dance because of it.
If you want to download the spelling test, you can get it {here}. PLEASE SEE BELOW ABOUT HOW TO DOWNLOAD FROM GOOGLE DOCS.

and a bit of that {100's Day}:

Anticipating this:

Makin' this Substitute Survival Kit {you can find it in my TpT store}:

And a lot of  Common Core writing {Thanks to the most FABULOUS Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher :

A story about when I was sick:

Because my firsties are still struggling a bit with sequencing, I made this graphic organizer {Thanks for the ideas for the wording, Amy from Step into 2nd}:

And I made this paper to go with it:

You can download this freebie {here

 *WARNING*!!! Before you download, please do NOT click "share" when you get into Google Docs.  Just go to file {the Google Docs File, not your web browser's file} and click download. This will download it to your computer. Google Docs will also save that document in your files without even downloading it. All you have to do is click {this} link, but don't click "share".

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